Sunday, April 22, 2007

the media and the nation is agog with the news of an mp getting caught

trying to smuggle a woman and a boy,falsely declaring them as his wife

and child. further investigation reveals that this is not a solitary instance

but several senior politicians have been carrying this trade for some time.

considering the persons involved have the responsibility of running the

country, there cannot be a greater national shame.

in the heat and noise of this episode,one is likely to lose a vital question:

after all, after so many years of independence,why so many indians are

desperate to flee the country?.

the lady in question is reported to have paid over rs 30 lacs.all this for

joining overseas her husband.why could she not so in the normal course?

this underlines the sad fact that, nothing related to the government

works in the normal needs to bend the law,often with the

connivance of law,in the process greasing soiled hands.

the desperation to flee bharath afflicts all strata of the country.

year after year more and more indian students go out to educate


not necessarily, the same education is not available here.the

continuous politicisation of our educational institutions has devalued

them and credibility of many are in question now.

the latest in the series of the mayhem is what honble arjun singh is

trying to do to the iits and iims.both these institutions have been our

pride for long,but wont remain so for long.the honble minister is quite

capable of ensuring it.

one is continously intrigued by another grave issue.the children of

almost every senior government employee is sent abroad for

is not cheap.

most stay back.who funds them will always remain a mystery.

what national interest or pride they can have?

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